Monday 1 April 2019

Teeth Whitening is not Just About Fashion

Our first tooth is pearly white, all our primary or baby teeth have a natural shine to them. As we grow, the teeth lose their original color as they get stained by food we eat and drink, tobacco and alcohol use. Who doesn’t like shining white teeth! That’s difficult to maintain naturally with age, even for the ones who take good care of their teeth; our teeth get discolored with age. 

Why Whitening?

Many people are interested in getting white teeth, wanting to improve their smile which used to be the secret of movie stars, models, and celebrities. Well, now it’s no more a secret or restricted to celebrities, anyone can get their teeth whitened and get that gorgeous smile. People want teeth whitening for many reasons- to improve a smile, remove any embarrassing spots, and get all teeth of uniform color. This said yellow teeth do not mean you have bad oral hygiene, bad breath, cavities or other teeth concerns. It is like cosmetic treatment to better your appearance; white teeth are attractive. Research shows that 40.5 million Americans use tooth whiteners. This proves that white teeth are in fashion and more people work on getting white teeth. 

Explore Your Options

Teeth whitening is popular, and there are different ways one can accomplish this. Get it done by the professional- the dentist; hydrogen peroxide gel is used with a gum shield to protect the gums, so the chemical only touches your teeth. Since it is chemically activated, it works fast, and you may get white pearls in 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on the stains and how stubborn they are, you may need one or two sittings to whiten your teeth. 

You can get professional whitening kits from the dentist with clear directions on usage. These are convenient because you don’t have to make an appointment and you can do it in the comfort of your house. Over the counter whitening strips are most convenient and cheap, though not as effective as professional whitening. 

All toothpaste remove the stains on the surface; whitening toothpaste with an approval seal from the American Dental Association (ADA) contain special polishing chemicals to remove extra stains. You need to know that this toothpaste will only remove surface stains on your teeth and will not change the color of your teeth. So, if you’re looking for some improvement on your teeth appearance without dentist visit, this toothpaste can be effective.

Cost of Teeth Whitening

The cost of teeth whitening depends on the process you choose. On average, a dental visit for teeth whitening may cost anywhere from $400 to $1000 depending on the number of sittings. An at-home kit may cost you $10 to $150, for example, the Crest 3D White Strips may cost $25 and more. The at-home whitening strips need to be used every day for a certain number of days to show results. 

Chances of insurance coverage for teeth whitening is minimal unless it is associated with a medical condition. You may want to check for teeth whitening dental treatment to ask for price and insurance coverage.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, it makes your teeth look better and improves your smile. It can be done professionally by a dentist which will cost you more than getting teeth whitening strips or toothpaste from your pharmacy.

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