Wednesday 29 January 2020

A Change in Looks Can Change Your Life

Learn how a visit to the dentist can set you on the path of transforming your life. Today we will be talking about how cosmetic dentistry procedures can help you look approachable, more presentable and restore your smile to its former glory. 

Have you always struggled with appearing to be approachable to the people around you? Do you face a deficit in confidence due to your misshapen, crooked or discolored teeth?

If you are nodding in a sad agreement, modern cosmetic dentistry can give you a bright and shining smile. With cosmetic dentistry procedures, you can give yourself a “smile makeover” and completely transform your life.

Below we have listed some of the most common and key procedures:

Teeth Whitening

The most commonly known cosmetic dentistry procedure is also the least expensive method of achieving that classic Hollywood smile. If your teeth have discolored over the years due to drinking excessive tea/coffee, smoking cigarettes, or one of the several reasons, you can opt for teeth bleaching at Dental Services in Austin, Westlake

The color of our natural teeth is created by the reflection and scattering of light off the outer layer of the teeth called Enamel. With time a thick coating is formed on that layer which holds stains and contains pores. During the procedure of teeth whitening, the best dentist in Austin will apply a gel of hydrogen peroxide and then a laser is used that helps the applied gel to bleach the teeth. 

Dental Veneers

For dental concerns such as chipped, broken, or discolored and disfigured tooth veneer is the go-to dental procedure. Other than that veneers are also used to create an even and symmetrical smile. 

Veneers are thin, tooth-colored wafers that are made from porcelain attached to the surface of the teeth. As they are attached to the front surface of the teeth, they not only provide a cosmetic overhaul but also camouflage the simpler orthopedic problems. Which in a nutshell means, your teeth might be crooked or misshaped, but it will not look that way to people except for your dentist. 


One of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental procedures, dental bonding is the process to repair the decayed, chipped and fractured teeth. Tooth bonding is the process where a dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to one or more affected teeth to repair the tooth damage. 

Tooth bonding is one of the simpler cosmetic dental procedures, so simple that it, in fact, neither does it involve any anesthesia nor multiple visits to the dentist. 

In most cases, a shade guide will be offered by your dentist at Austin dental clinic to choose the resin color. Once the color is selected (usually the one that matches the color of the natural teeth), the surface of the teeth is roughened out and a liquid is applied to stick to the tooth. 

Over the liquid, the composite resin is applied and ultraviolet rays are applied to harden the material. 


Cosmetic Dentistry albeit a relatively new branch of dentistry is also on the rise. One of the major reasons it has seen such a rise in the past decade is the awareness of the fact that cosmetic dentistry not only is the means to achieve aesthetic restoration of your mouth and teeth but also comes with plenty of the restorative benefits.

Friday 3 January 2020

Wisdom Teeth Removal: What To Know Before You Get Them Out

When your Westlake dental clinic recommends removal of your wisdom teeth, they may refer you to an oral surgeon for treatment in his office. It should just take a couple of days for you to heal and feel back to normal. Visit Austin Dental Care for wisdom teeth removal surgery. We provide wisdom teeth removal advice and post-treatment guidance. Wisdom teeth are removed since they can cause a number of dental and oral problems. 
Wisdom Teeth Removal

Why Opt for Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in the back of your mouth. They generally come between the ages of 17 and 25, and they're spotted on X-rays. Most people take wisdom teeth removal advice for one of these reasons: 
  1. They're impacted- Since they're so far back in your mouth, wisdom teeth may not erupt normally. They can be stuck in your jawbone or gums, which can be painful.
  2. They come in at an inappropriate angle- Sometimes they may erupt at an angle causing them to press against your other teeth.
  3. Your mouth isn't sufficiently big- Your jaw has no space for an additional set of molars.
  4. You have cavities or gum infection- You will most likely be unable to clean your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.
  5. Before Surgery
You'll meet with the oral specialist to discuss the procedure. At this appointment, ensure you have:
  • Discussions about any medical issues you have.
  • List any medications you take regularly.
  • Pose any questions you have about the wisdom teeth removal surgery.
  • Understand what kind of anesthesia you'll get. You can either get local or general anesthesia.
  • Plan a break from work or school to have your wisdom teeth removal surgery and rest for some time at home. Ask someone to pick you up from the Westlake dental clinic.

During Surgery

Your wisdom teeth removal should take 45 minutes or less. 

The best dentist for wisdom teeth removal might have to cut your gums or tissue so that the wisdom teeth can be easily pulled out. Assuming this is the case, he'll stitch the incisions shut so they heal rapidly. These stitches usually dissolve after a couple of days. He may also stuff gauze pads in your mouth to absorb some of the bleeding. 

After Surgery

Everybody reacts differently to anesthesia. In the event that you had a local sedative and feel alert, you may have the option to drive home to start your healing process. But in case you had general anesthesia or still feel drowsy, you'll need somebody to drive you home. 

The vast majority of people have next to zero pain after the wisdom teeth removal surgery is successfully accomplished. You'll likely experience stretching and minor discomfort for 3 or more days. Your mouth may require almost 15 days to heal completely. 

Get Wisdom Teeth Removal Advice today!

Austin Dental Care is a renowned Westlake dental clinic that provides superior dental treatment services. Contact us for wisdom teeth removal surgery and wisdom teeth removal advice.

Monday 2 December 2019

Wisdom Teeth: All You Need To Know

While wisdom in literal terms means knowledge, 'wisdom teeth' are called so because they have been born from our ancestors. The ancestors required these teeth to grind and chew the food, raw meat, roots, and leaves. 

With time cooking was made simpler, and the humans further did not need the wisdom teeth, as their use got minimized. And, with that, the wisdom teeth became a problem for the people, growing out late, leading to the need for their removal. 

But, according to the statistics, a good and lucky 35% of people in the US are born with no wisdom teeth at all, escaping the pain of getting them removed.

While in some cases, individuals might not experience any pain due to the wisdom teeth, nowadays, it has become a practice and needs to get them removed because of the following reasons: 

  • The wisdom teeth can cause pain by pushing the other teeth around, causing pain and bite problems.
  • There are possibilities of the formation of cysts around the teeth, leading to damage in the nerves.
  • If the upper jaw molars and wisdom teeth are in bad health and cause pain, it could also lead to sinusitis problems.
  • The impacted wisdom teeth can cause alignment issues in other teeth, leading to crowding of the teeth.
Although there are several problems which these wisdom teeth can cause, the root cause of people not getting the wisdom teeth removal is its cost. 

Wondering How Much Does it Cost to Take out Wisdom Teeth?

Well, it does not lead to bankruptcy, but it also is not a mere amount to be ignored. Depending on the condition of your wisdom tooth, whether they have just grown-out, or are impacted, the cost varies accordingly. 
  • By using a local anesthetic, the range is somewhere between $75-$200 for each tooth and $300-$800 for all the four wisdom teeth.
  • In the case of impacted wisdom teeth, the complete procedure ranges somewhere between $225-$600.
  • While in case anesthesia is added to the treatment, it costs some more amount ranging between $250-$800.
But, the good part is that this treatment is usually covered under the dental insurance and wisdom tooth removal insurance, cutting down and reducing it to half the total costs. 

How much for Wisdom Teeth Removal with Insurance?

Once the insurance policies fund the treatment, the cost is reduced immensely, making it half of whatever the total cost of treatment is and equally affordable. Also, in some cases, insurance policies might provide complete funds for the procedure. 

If you are looking for some of the best and professional dentists across the US to get your wisdom teeth removed, you can go the Westlake Dental in Austin TX and get not only your wisdom teeth removed but all your ortho-dental treatments done from the certified doctors. 

The estimated wisdom teeth removal cost in Austin, TX, lands up somewhere between $225-$600 for the complete treatment.

Monday 23 September 2019

Wisdom Teeth Removal Causes TMJ?

Wisdom Teeth Removal

You may have heard about a friend or an acquaintance who has experienced side effects of a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, similar to jaw pain or clicking, popping or locking of the jaw. These problems may have occurred soon after having wisdom teeth removal Austin by an oral specialist. Keeping in mind the sequence of events, these individuals may have blamed their TMJ symptoms on their wisdom teeth removal Austin. Be that as it may, it's imperative to understand that impacted wisdom teeth do not cause a TMJ disorder. They are typically extracted because they cause different issues, for example, damage and harm to surrounding teeth, as they keep on trying to grow into a jaw that does not have enough space for them. Besides, removing wisdom teeth won't dispose of side effects if a TMJ problem is genuinely causing them. 

Although it does not happen frequently, TMJ disorders are sometimes caused after wisdom teeth removal Austin. Read on to know about the reasons behind this, along with information on how we can help patients who experience these problems. 

How frequently can Wisdom Tooth Extraction cause TMJ?

It happens many times that patients will experience TMJ problems after they have undergone wisdom tooth extraction in Austin, TX. At Austin Dental Care, we have seen this happen when patients have previous jaw joint problems that aggravate after wisdom teeth removal Austin. For patients with healthy and strong jaw joints, TMJ disorder generally does not occur or result from an oral medical procedure. 

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder?

The most well-known symptom of TMJ disorder includes pain on the lower half of the face, including the jaw and the zones just underneath the ears. TMJ issues can also cause frequent headaches — numerous individuals with TMJ issues experience popping and clicking sounds or sensations when opening and shutting their mouths. In serious occurrences of strain on the TMJ, individuals' mouths may "lock-up." This implies an individual will experience problems moving one's mouth. Worn dentition (tooth wear) is another regular symptom of TMJ disorder. 

What are the Reasons these TMJ conditions become severe?

Different variables can add to this. Jaw joint tendons may weaken because of gum biting, teeth grinding, or simply through the passage of time. Inside the jaw, joint, a plate (condyle) that is currently debilitated may deteriorate even further to the point of a disorder if a patient experiences dental surgery and must open his or her mouth wide for an extended period.

Get your TMJ problems solved today!

Wisdom teeth removal Austin do not cause TMJ disorder, nor does having them affect you, even if the two events seem to occur around the same time. If you have any concerns about a pending wisdom tooth extraction Austin TX or apparent TMJ disorder symptoms, call our team at Austin Dental Care to schedule a visit to any of our dental offices in Austin. We’ll be glad to help. 

Wisdom teeth removal Austin doesn't cause thermo mandibular joint disorder (TMJ). Different factors cause TMJ problems. Schedule your appointment with Austin Dental Care.

Thursday 29 August 2019

6 Easy & DIY Teeth Whitening Procedures | Austin Dental Clinic

Here’s a list of teeth whitening procedures that can help you get sparkling white & healthy teeth. If you’re looking for professional teeth whitening in Austin, please give us a visit.

Sparkling white and healthy teeth will give great confidence

Are your teeth losing the shine because of yellow stains? Stained teeth can occur due to age. However, several habits like drinking excess coffee can lead to early staining of teeth. Here are some DIY treatments that can help you get beautifully bright and white teeth back. 

1. Reduce the intake of staining foods and drinks 

Several foods and beverages have the capability of staining the exposed teeth. Tobacco, green juices, tea, coffee, and wine are among the many that need to be avoided in excess. It is one of the important routine activities in teeth white procedure. 

2. Optimum oral hygiene practices 

Dentists in Austin, Texas, strongly recommend following a good oral hygiene regime. Brushing twice a day and daily flossing will ensure that the teeth are not affected by decay and gum problems. Dentist visits every 6 months is also an important part of the teeth whitening procedure. Professional teeth whitening in Austin are needed if you have the habit of smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee or consuming a lot of pigmented foods. 

3. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Vitamin and mineral-laden foods are great for oral hygiene and help in keeping the teeth white. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Minerals and iron are all critical when it comes to ensuring optimum tooth and gum health. Dentists in Austin, Texas, also recommend eating a diet rich in proteins, good fats, fruits & vegetables as they are also important in teeth whitening procedure. 

4. Hydrogen peroxide & baking soda 

Dentists in Austin, Texas, suggest a home-made remedy of teeth whitening. One can make a paste by mixing a small quantity of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of baking soda. Applying this paste on teeth can remove plaque from teeth. However, one should also consider professional teeth whitening in Austin as excess baking soda can be abrasive to teeth. 

5. Bleaching Process 

It is one of the most effective and assured teeth whitening procedures recommended by Dentists in Austin, Texas. Although a home kit is available for bleaching, it is safe and best to get the bleaching done under expert supervision. Their experience and expertise will ensure the best possible results. 

6. Oil Pulling 

It is a practice of swishing edible oil in the mouth to clean any residing bacteria, fungus or disease-causing organisms. While swishing, oil collects all these toxic agents and protects the teeth after they are expelled from the mouth. In this teeth whitening procedure, one needs to take one tablespoon of oil (for children under the age of 15 – one teaspoon) into the mouth and swish within the mouth for 10-15 minutes before spilling it out. This treatment should be done on an empty stomach in the morning, followed by brushing.

Monday 5 August 2019

Can A Person Feel Pain Even After Getting Dentures?

Know The Reasons For This Pain From Experts Of Westlake Dental Care

There are people who believe that after undergoing dentures procedures they will not face any toothache. But here’s a reality check. Patients have come up and reported some unknown tooth pain, which the experts from Westlake dental care refer to as ‘atypical odontalgia’ or the phantom tooth pain. This discomfort is generally experienced after teeth extraction and similar dental procedures like root canal or filling because of which the damaged nerve sends signals to the brain to convey that there is pain in the area where recent dental treatment has been conducted. In such cases, it is advisable for the patient to go for toothache treatment. 

What Induces this Phantom Pain?

At present, practitioners from Westlake dental care and across the world do not have specific causes for this atypical odontalgia. Dental associations, universities and several independent researchers have conducted studies to understand this dental condition and its toothache treatment. However, as of now no certain outcomes have been identified, but there is correlation of few factors experienced by the patients.

Some of the prevalent factors include a history of such toothache in their family, irrespective of age and gender. Presently, there is no one particular race in which such condition can be related to. Experts from Westlake dental care and some of the researches indicate that patients who feel this phantom pain have also experienced depression and anxiety related issues before experiencing this pain. In majority of the cases, this pain is experienced after dental procedures tooth extraction, root canals, or others in which the nerves are exposed within the gums and roots of the teeth.

Researches have shown that this atypical odontalgia is because of the nerves getting exposed leading to painful sensations. The pain gets extreme sometimes and goes beyond teeth to affect the neck as well as face. 

What is the Toothache Treatment for this Phantom Pain?

Presently, there is no specific treatment or cure for atypical odontalgia. In majority of the instances, it goes away after few days or weeks. While in few cases, it persists. Dental practitioners diagnose this pain after all other causes have not been identified. The conventional way of atypical odontalgia toothache treatment is pain management prescriptions. Commonly used medications include tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, or baclofen. In majority of the cases, the toothache is slowly diminished after using the medications.

For people who have undergone dentures, it is natural to experience certain levels of discomfort or pain as it takes time for mouth to adjust to the new oral conditions. However, this atypical odontalgia goes far beyond that. The dental practitioner can put the patient on pain-relief medications to minimize the discomfort. Experts from Westlake dental care believe that all the tests should be done to ensure that there is no other root cause of the pain. This will ensure effective treatment is undertaken and pain relief occurs at the earliest.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

What should be the daily routine of a patient suffering from TMJ Disorder?

TMJ, the abbreviation for Temporomandibular Joint is a joint situated on the two sides of the jaw that works like a sliding pivot between the jawbone and skull. Many reasons can cause TMJ disorder, including damage to the jaw, teeth or jaw misalignment, joint pain, hereditary qualities, and even teeth grinding. You can consult Austin Dental Care to speak with TMJ dental specialists who will guide you with following an appropriate everyday schedule to relieve pain.

Other then pain, numerous individuals experience numbness and a popping sound when opening and shutting the mouth. While these indications can leave separately, as a rule, individuals need to seek help from a TMJ Dentist dentist specialist for treatment.

If you experience the symptoms of TMJ disorder, then it is necessary to see a TMJ doctor specialist. The TMJ dentist specialist will make the correct diagnosis and then decide on treatment.

TMJ Disorder

Usually, the TMJ dentist specialist will send you home with instructions on precautions to take during the day. For instance, you might need to wear a custom biting plate to prevent teeth grinding. Contingent upon your dental specialist's recommendation, you would wear it on occasion during the day and after that while dozing.

You can apply both hot and cold packs to the inflamed side of the jaw to help with irritation and pain. Over-the-counter TMJ pain relief medication may help. If your TMJ specialist Austin TX recommended muscle-relaxing or anti-stress drug, you will need to take that during the day as prescribed.

Until you get the pain leveled out, maintain a light diet of soft foods to avoid disrupting any major developments of the jaw, for example, singing and yawning. Also, you should stay away from specific things, for example, biting your nails, biting gum, and nibbling your lower lip. Keep in mind to have a good posture for the duration of the day and doing a few jaw-loosening up exercises will help with a TMJ disorder.

Along with consulting a TMJ doctor specialist, it is fundamental for you to make changes to your daily routine as a major aspect of your general treatment. At this time, if the pain turns out to be excessively serious or you experience different issues, plan an appointment to see the TMJ dentist specialist once more. By then, they will decide whether a more obtrusive treatment would help. Once in a while, a dental specialist will allude patients to a strength specialist for further assessment and treatment.

In the event that you experience the side effects of TMJ disorder, the primary action is to see a respectable TMJ dental specialist. From that point, you would listen to his or her suggestions. Therefore, you should see a vast improvement in a short span of time.

Find the Best TMJ Dental Specialist with us!

Austin Dental Care is a renowned dental care center for treating patients with TMJ disorder. Visit us or contact to get guidance on TMJ pain relief medication and speak to our TMJ specialist Austin TX.