Friday, 25 May 2018

A Consumer's Guide to Quality Teeth Whitening Procedure

Teeth Whitening is a simple procedure that enhances the overall look of your smile. Once only feasible to wealthy and celebrities; teeth whitening treatment is now affordable and accessible for everyone. With the use of latest technology, the teeth whitening dental treatment not only improve your smile only when done in the dentist office.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

What is Tooth Whitening?

Teeth whitening treatment is a dental process aimed at enhancing the brightness of natural teeth by removing all kind of staining. Teeth whitening procedure can be classified into different sections ranging from age-old home remedies to chemical or laser teeth whitening treatments which are performed by qualified Austin cosmetic dentist.

Different Types of Teeth Whitening in Austin:

There are good options available for anyone who desires for whiter teeth. The most popular artificial method is by using a particular form of peroxide to get rid of stains and bleach the teeth. In this method, peroxide is applied, and oxygen is released so that the stains are removed. This method is useful in restoring the natural color of teeth without damaging the enamel.
While this technique is done in the dentist office, there are few teeth whitening dental treatment which can be done in the comfort of your home.

Here is the list of those popular methods:

Whitening Tooth Paste: This is a mild abrasive component that gently scrubs the stained surface making teeth look whiter and cleaner. However, it works effects on mildly stained teeth. One cannot get whiter teeth using this special toothpaste.

Whitening Strips: A whitening strip is a type of sticky tape that can be directly applied to the front part teeth to achieve a dazzling smile. The bleaching solution of the strips contains peroxide compound needs to be used twice a day for an hour. The best place to get these whitening strops is from the dentist, but one can also buy from over the counter.

Whitening Gels: Another product which is also peroxide-based can be applied over the teeth using a small brush. Whitening gel treatment can be done at home. Once the gel is applied, a mouth tray also available with the kit needs to be fitted to the teeth. Simple to use, it's an affordable way to whiten your teeth.

How Safe is the New Age Teeth Whitening Treatment in Austin?

Due to constant research on the new age teeth whitening methods, each process is entirely safe and effective if done correctly. Unlike old techniques, the teeth whitening treatment doesn’t damage the enamel or give sensitive gums or other oral side effects today.

However, teeth are the sensitive part of your body and also add a lot to your personality with that sparkling smile. Whether you opt for a teeth whitening treatment dentist in Austin or go for teeth whitening home remedies, it is essential to consult an Austin cosmetic dentist.

For ideal teeth whitening treatment, it is highly recommended to visit AustinDentalCare where you will find qualified Westlake dentists with years of experience in teeth whitening procedures.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

How to Know Whether You Need a Wisdom Tooth Removal at Austin Dental Clinic?

Third molars or wisdom teeth have the power to create a severe dental problem for few unfortunate people. As it’s the most common dental problem, almost every Austin dentist does this procedure once a month. It’s not compulsory to remove a wisdom tooth as the decision of wisdom tooth removal is based on the Austin dentist examination at Westlake Cosmetic Dentistry. However, one can also monitor their dental health and decide the state of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom tooth removal is not as complicated as dental crowns in Austin, TX or finding affordable veneers in Austin, TX.

There's an ongoing debate whether the wisdom tooth needs extraction or not. Well, if the tooth is not causing any problem or damage to other teeth, then there's no need to remove the wisdom tooth. However, the wisdom tooth is not going to be of any use for you either. Hence, you must opt for wisdom tooth removal early on sooner than any severe damage.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Tips To Identify If You Need a Wisdom Tooth Removal

Here are some of the natural tips to find whether your wisdom teeth need extraction through surgery or not.

A toothache:

The first symptom of having a painful wisdom tooth is a toothache. This tooth is situated at the back of the mouth and hardest to clean every day. Because of this, it is likely that plaque gets collected over teeth making it rotten easily. The bacteria begin to attack the tooth nerves hence the toothache. At this juncture, a qualified dentist in Austin may advise the patient to go for the wisdom tooth removal process.

Crooked Teeth:

If you have a small jaw, the emerging wisdom tooth can cause a severe problem as there is not enough space to fit in. When the wisdom tooth emerges, it forces other teeth to make its place. If the process is not done correctly in time, the wisdom tooth gets crooked or misaligned causing pain. This situation requires an Austin dentist check as only the expert can analyze which tooth can be removed to make a place for the wisdom tooth. It is advisable to opt for wisdom tooth removal before it is crooked and difficult to remove. 

Gum Infections:

Gum infection is quite common these days, but it can prove to be a severe problem when your wisdom teeth emerge. As we know that third molars surface with force, the sides poke around the gums which cause pain. If ignored for a longer time, it creates gum infection and discomfort in the more extended run. The only solution to this problem is wisdom tooth extraction process with the help of experienced Westlake dentists at Austin Dental Care.

Obstructed Teeth:

If your wisdom tooth is poking out of the gums in an unusual angle, it might be a sign that you require a wisdom tooth removal. One cannot see wisdom tooth quickly, so all you need to do is run your tongue over the teeth to see if it's coming out in a misaligned way. A crooked tooth can cause severe impact on the oral health, increase the lousy breath and result in a lot of pain.

Remember these are some general ways to check if your wisdom tooth is coming out explicitly or not. Leave the decision of wisdom teeth removal to an Austin dentist as they can analyze it after reviewing the tooth and oral health. 

Visit Austin Dental Care today and let our best dentist in Austin take a look and decide if you need wisdom tooth removal.